Category Archives: Uncategorized

Free to Be Me, Supposedly


America–the land of the free. At times to find myself battling with the later part of that sentence–land of the free. I find alot of irony that statement to be quite frank, but the reality is we are free if we choose to be.

I find it comical how in our society, children are encouraged to express themselves, yet when they do, they are disciplined if it does not fit a specific narrative. Children are taught early in life to obey their parents, teachers, coaches, and other adult role models and this unspoken this belief that children must do as they are told or else there will be a consequence. Children are told at a young age that they can be anything they want to be, yet we restrict their progress. We condition them to think or act a certain way because we have been conditioned to do the same. Growing up, I learned very early in life not question or challenge an adult’s instruction. The rare times when I tried ro test the waters a bit, I was quickly reminded not to when the response was “because I said so.” I knew anything I said after that, could and would be used against me. So I just did what i was “supposed”to do and shut my mouth.

I was 15 years old when started my first job at Claire’s Boutique. My mom drove me to and from work 30 mins away at the South Park Mall. I made $7.25 an hour often complained about missing plans with friends. I still knew not to question adults, yet in my teens I became a bit more vocal, and in return so did my parents. They explained if I wanted things in life, I would have to pay for them with my own money. I continued to work at Claire’s until high school ended. l ventured on to college because thats what I was “supposed” to do.

I transferred 3 times before I graduated from Winthrop University. I received my B.A. Mass Communications with a concentration in Journalism and minored in Health in 2010. I was a marketing intern at a gym in Uptown Charlotte which led me to an amazing opptunity to work as PR assistant for a firm in Dilworth, but because I was finished with school, I ended both that position, and my waitressing gig to work full-time because that’s what I was ” supposed” to do.

I had no clue what I wanted to do, but I did know I was an adult and I was “supposed” to pay my own bills. I worked full time in a few office roles but quickly discovered In the be In 2016, I started working at a local nonprofit and bartending part time on the weekends. It wasnt long after, I moved back into my own apartment. I was doing what I was “supposed” to do and loved it.

Until 2019 hit like a freight train…

It was by far one of the hardest years of my life. I had 2 miscarraiges within 3 months of eachother and shortly after, removed the diamond ring off my left finger and ended my relationship. In between the loss of our little ones, I went to the ER for severe abdomen pain which resulted in an emergency surgery, a 2 day hospital stay, and bedrest for 6 weeks. The job I once loved, became a battlefield when the agency director a new boss that was comparable to satan, causing half of the staff to leave, and somewhere in there I lost one of my best friends, Curtis, in a motorcyle accident.

I was certain things would get better, but that was wishful thinking. A month before the world was shook with the pandemic, the grant I worked under completely changed abrubtly due to the funding source, we had a new director who pushed the rest of the staff out by cosigning with the workplace bully, and everything I enjoyed about the role was replaced with dreadful bimonthly meetings, which clairified nothing, and an additional 30 page report, which made no sense to anyone in the state, but we did it because that is what we were “supposed” to do.

In March, the same month the pandemic hit, I lost another one of my friends Penny, then another, Drew in May, shortly after, cancer decided to take my grandmother June, a few months after, another friend Rikard, and 5 days shy of a year after I lost Penny, I was at the beach celebrating my friend’s birthday, I got a call from a coworker letting me know one of our coworkers 8 year old son, whom i adored had been killed in a UTV accident. 2 days later I got and Uber back home from Myrtle Beach and a few months moved in with his mother because as her friend that’s what I thought I was “supposed” to do.

For the next few months, I continued to go through the motions of life like a robot. I was the “yes” girl who was living on chips, caffiene, and a couple hours here and there of sleep. I dismissed reality, avoided people, minimized things that hurt, bit my tounge, made sacrifices, and allowed people to take advantage of me. I did anything and everything I could to avoid conflict or sticking up for myself because thats what I was “supposed” to do.

In September, of 2022, I was in a mental place that was completely unfamiliar to me. For the first time in my entire I had absolutely no idea who I was. I had been internalizing an extreme amount of trauma for 2 years and out of nowhere it all hit me and it hurt. I either slept for days at a time or my thoughts while awake consisted of suicidal ideations. Everyone around me started to around diagnose me or insert their opinions on what I was “supposed” to do. I tried medication after medication, therapist after therapist and was misdiagnosed with mental illness condition after mental illness condition. The more I help I seeked, the worse I felt. I was frustrated and impatient, yet determined to feel better. After 3 months of trial and error and becoming a pharmecutical test dummy, I walked into a phychiatrist’s office with an eye full of tears and dark circles under my eyes. I sat down on a comfortable tan leather couch. The doctor made very little eye contact when asking me questions about and even less expression when I replied. I sobbed my eyes as he typed. He looked over the previous few doctor’s notes and verified the information was correct. After a few minutes of awkard silence, he then peeped over his glasses, looked at me, and said, “there is nothing wrong with you.” I sat there confused but allowed him to continue. “You are not bipolar and do not need any of these medications because they are sedating you. You may have a slight bit of anxiety, as we all do, but you are simply going through a rough patch in life. I can give you a small dose of medication and you are free to use it when you feel It happens to the everyone, I can suggest seething jus” For the first time ever, I knew that was exactly what I was “supposed” to do so thats what I did.

I became so conditioned to what I was “supposed” to do, that instead of healing I was drowning. I had enslaved myself. I had been conforming to those around me, regardless of how my state of mind was impacted. January, I reached my limit at work when one day, I was interrogated by leadership regarding my mental health. I sat in silence for well over an hour while being asked beyond inappropriate questions that violated both HIPPA and my personal boundaries. Because the bullying was pretty familiar by this point and there were several other unresolved, I sat there and soaked in their words like a sponge one last time. As the hits kept coming from one leader to the next, I said very little or nothing as tears rolled down my cheek.

I drafted my resignation letter because this was the last time I would allow the bullying and belittling from anyone in the agency I once loved. As I walked in the office, the conversation on that cold tan couch a few months prior replayed in my mind. It reminded me that I did not have to accept the way I was treated, nor should I have to. About an hour into the day I was called into the office and was fired. I got fired because I questioned where money was that I worked for. I got fired because I no longer would allow anyone to bully me in the work place. I got fired for attempting to resolve 2 years worth of issues. I got fired for the first time ever in 36 years. I got fired because I did what I was “supposed” to do and in that very moment, I became free.

I started writing this post in July and have debated posting it for months in fear of backlash and the criticism I may receive, but sitting here no I know it is what I am “supposed” to do. Today as I reflect on some of the pain, hurt, anger, confusion, it reminds me that, I am not the only one who struggles, and my hope is to help someone else use the pain, hurt, anger, and confusion, as motivation to not settle and not to give up. I am now working as a freelance digital media consultant during this career transition with some other part time gigs and absolutely love it. I get to design and write again and encourage others to chase their dream as I chase mine. I would be lying if I said these last few months have been easy, however they have been worth it. It’s ironic how losing my job, home, friends, stability, and sanity, would lead to such a sense of freedom, but the reality is change is often uncomfortable, yet often necessary.

I am officially back to doing what I am “suppose” to do, and that is being unapologetically me.

Today, I am free!

Do you boo 💋


It’s been quite a while since I’ve blogged… over 3 years to be exact. I was having a couple of down in the dumps types of days  and remembered a thing I advocate daily SELF CARE.

Writing is therapeutic to me. It allows me to me the most unapologetic authentic version of myself. It is a way that I can take the time I need to do something I enjoy, something that makes me feel good.

If you don’t take time out of your life to take care of yourself what are you even living for? To go back and forth to a job? To pay bills? To do everything in your power to live up to standards you have been brainwashed in believe are essential for acceptance? I surely hope not.

Its is absolutely okay to and quite frank, essential to our overall healthy to do so. Figure out what you enjoy doing and DO IT!





A Blessing In Disguise


Well guys, since the last time I have really been active in my blog, I have been faced with some disappointing, yet exciting life changing news. I was laid off in mid June from my position at the Advertising Agency. I was faced with a situation that turned my whole world upside down. I was let go, left with many unanswered questions and a stress I was not yet  ready to be faced with regarding my financial obligations that come along with being a single woman living alone. Every day for the past month I have searched almost every career site online, networked with all possible people who could aid in full-time positions, and was even  faced with attempting to do something I never in my life thought I’d do– file for unemployment. I knew the economy was bad but didn’t think I would ever be affected by it. I mean, I have been working since I was 15 years old, and who wouldn’t want a motivated woman with a Bachelor’s Degree wanting nothing more than to work. I was depressed, stressed, and in a bind I couldn’t see past. Well, I finally had my appointment to get my unemployment filed and the lady speaking with me advised to wait another week to make a  higher income due to the new quarter. Patience is something I struggle with, however, I took her advice. I impatiently waited for the date to arrive in which I could jump on this chance to continue to have a small sum of money coming in until I could get back on track with a real job. Well, 2 days before taking that embarrassing, yet necessary drive to the unemployment office, I got a phone call that changed my life. “Can you meet with me today at 2,?” the lady on the other end of the phone said. Needless to say 2 interviews, a background check, and a phone call later I was offered a position in the Animal Health industry!  Although this is somethingI never imagined doing, I started my job on July 9th  and couldn’t be happier! The challenge, the opportunity as well as the job stability is something in my career I have never been able to say I had. I went from making a lousy hourly salary to making a decent salaried pay check. I will be getting a raise next month and I am constantly being praised for my hard work, my ability to work well with others, and promises of growing into a management, higher paying position. This is a job that I truly feel is my career. No more jobs to pay bills or something to get by temporarily. This is my new life, this is my new world, and this is something I am proud to say I am a part of. So to those of you who are having a hard time in this economic crisis I say this–do not underestimate your talents and skills due to the fact one person turns their cheek on you. There are plenty of opportunities to work, you just have to be willing to learn and adjust to things you may not be used to. Stay focus, and always remember somethings turn out to be blessings in disguise.

Happy Birthday America!


Although our country has seen better times, we are doing much better than some countries. People from across the world envy the life we live. Today is a day in which we celebrate Independence Day.  July 4th is the day in which celebrate the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. Without this we would not have the freedom we do today. Across the nation, people pay tribute to this day with parades, fairs, parties, cookouts, and my favorite FIREWORKS!! Last night I went to a celebration in my hometown called Red, White, Boom. There was live music, food vendors, face painting, and again my favorite FIREWORKS! As I sit there it hit me that it is not often people come together regardless of age, race, religion, or political parties to celebrate such a historical accomplishment by our country. So today I say to you, be proud to be an American, be safe, Happy 4th of July, and last  but not least, don’t forget to wear your RED, WHITE, AND BLUE!!


  • large sheet of poster paper
  • red and blue paint
  • brushes
  • dishes.


  1. Lay the big paper down on the floor. Use a ruler to mark lines with pencil for the blue field and stripes.
  2. Have students dip or brush hands with blue paint and press onto the hands the top left corner of the paper for stars. Alternatively, you could paint a blue field, allow to dry and then make white hand prints.
  3. Dip or brush students feet with red paint and make foot prints in a line for the stripes. Remember, the top and bottom stripes of an American flag are red.
  4. Allow everything to dry and display.

Red, White and Blue Cheesecake

  • 2 cups graham cracker crumbs
  • 6 tablespoons butter, melted
  • 3 (8-ounce) packages cream cheese, softened
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 3 large eggs, at room temperature
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup seedless raspberry jam
  • 2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
  • 1 pint fresh blueberries

  1. Heat the oven to 325º F. Grease a 9-inch springform pan and line the bottom with waxed paper.
  2. Put the graham cracker crumbs in a medium bowl. Add the butter and mix with a fork until evenly moistened. Press the mixture over the bottom and up 1 inch of the sides of the pan. Refrigerate until ready to use.
  3. In a large bowl, using an electric mixer, beat the cream cheese and sugar until smooth, scraping down the sides of the bowl when necessary. Beat in the sour cream until blended. Add the eggs 1 at a time, beating well after each addition. Beat in the vanilla extract. Pour half of the batter into the pan.
  4. Put the jam and lemon juice in a small saucepan and warm over low heat, stirring often, until melted and smooth (about 4 minutes). Drizzle one fourth of the jam mixture in stripes over the batter in the pan. Spoon the remaining batter over the jam, then drizzle with 1/8 cup of jam. Reserve the last of the jam mixture to drizzle over the cheesecake.
  5. Swirl the batter gently with a thin knife to marbleize it slightly.
  6. Bake the cheesecake until firm around the edges but still slightly wobbly in the center, 70 to 80 minutes. (Don’t worry if your cheesecake cracks while baking or cooling.) Set the cake in the pan on a wire rack, run a knife along the inside edge to loosen the sides, and let it cool completely. Wrap the cake in plastic and chill it for at least 4 hours.
  7. Take the cake out of the refrigerator 30 minutes before serving. Remove the pan sides and place the cake on a platter. Warm the remaining jam mixture until liquid, then drizzle it over the cheesecake. Serve with the fresh blueberries. Serves 12 to 16.

Work Hard, Live Easier


So my life has changed dramatically since my last blog entry. By changing dramatically I mean I GOT LAID OFF 😦 Everyone says to me, “it’s the economy” or “many companies are cutting back.” That’s all fine but at the end of the day, it doesn’t pay my bills. I live alone which means I am responsible for EVERYTHING financially in my life.  I could sit here and complain about how stressed out I am but the truth is at the end of the day,  there is no point. I look at this as a new chapter of my life and a chance to utiize the skills I’ve acquired in a new career. There is a saying “all good things come to those who wait.” Well guess what? I’m waiting patiently. So to those who have been affected negatively by the economy I want you to keep in mind, sitting on your behind will not help you succeed. Get active, knock on doors, network, and most importantly, keep a positive attitude because you WILL find something!


1. Always keep your resume updated and error free. Your resume is how an employer gets to know you before actually meeting you.

2. Have a cover letter. Sending a cover letter can set you aside from other candidates. It shows that you took the extra step and are serious about wanting to work.

3. Dress to impress. Once you have been given the opportunity to meet with management, don’t blow it by looking like a slob. Always dress business professional.

4. Be yourself. Sometimes meeting potential employers can be intimitdaing. Employers know you know are nervous, no need to tell them. Be confident and show a little of your personalty. Don’t be scared to ask any questions. And don’t forget to bring your portfolio to showcase your work.

5. Mind your manners. Be sure to not only thank the people who interview you in person but also follow up with a thank you letter or email. This ensures that they don’t forget about you and know you mean business.


Want to make a good first impression? Below are some ideas for men and women on what is appropriate for interviews!

National Best Friend Day


Today is the day in which we celebrate National Best Friend Day! My best friend Allison and I have been threw so much together! Ever have one of those friends you go from talking to each other every single day to not seeing each other in months and things being the exact same? Well that’s exactly how we are. I can count on her for anything. If she’s got it and I need it there is no doubt in my mind she’d give it to me and vice versa. We will always fight like sisters and laugh like teenage school girls. If you have a person who you call your best friend give them a call today and tell them how much you appreciate them!

Here is a pic of my best friend Allison and I

Happy Friday!


I don’t know about you but my favorite day of the week is Friday! Friday is the only day of the week  I get super excited about. After a busy work week I just love getting off , having an adult beverage or two, and knowing I get to sleep in the next two days. (not that I ever sleep past 9 but hey I can sit in my pjs all day) Well there’s nothing much to this blog entry just wanted to say Happy Friday!!! Have a wonderful and safe weekend.

Crazy Dog


Anyone who tells you raising a puppy is easy LIED!  My parents have always had done such a great job of training their dogs that I guess I assumed I would catch on just as easily. I mean how hard could it be to teach a dog right from wrong. The answer my friends is VERY HARD!!!

My friend Piper kept hassling me about getting a puppy. “You live by yourself,” or  ” let’s go look at puppies,” and of course when when would go you’d feel bad for the dogs. On the other side my dad has never thought it was a good idea for me to get a dog. I’ve lived by myself  for almost 6 years and anytime I would bring up the D word my dad would cut me off “you aren’t home enough to raise a dog” and “they take a lot of work and cost money.”

Well guess what people, I got a dog. My dad is a smart man I don’t know why i didn’t listen to him. Dogs are a lot of work. I have had almost every room in my apartment peed and pooped on, endless numbers of shoes, phone and computer chargers chewed up, and get woken up nearly every night because my pup is chewing up something or needs to potty.

Don’t get me wrong, I love my puppy to death. He loves to ride in the car, play fetch and go on long jogs and walks with me.  He is 9 months old so he is still in the puppy phase but I still think he needs a  little help in the discipline area. I rarely spank him, he hardly ever listens to me, and jumps on people when they come in the door. There is no reason what so ever that I shouldn’t be the boss in my own house. My boyfriend is always saying “I told you not to get a dog.” People joke that if I can’t control my dog then how the hell am I going to control my kids. And thats when it hit me…time to teach Phoenix who’s boss!!

Piper and Phoenix

One of Phoenix’s victims

Phoenix sunbathing on the porch

International Day of Families


Ever heard of family day? Neither have I…until today! May 15th is a date in which countries of the United  Nations observe International Day of Families. Dating back to May 15, 1995, the International Day of Families is a day in which people of the UN focus on the importance of balancing work and family. Specifically, it stresses the significance  in financially and emotionally contributions of workers to their families while  consistently adding to the growth of the society. Celebrations include workshops, meetings, and campaigns focused on the strength of family support systems. Although here in a America this is nothing we celebrate, I think it is very important for all working professionals to keep in mind how lucky we are to have careers and families. It is important to always keep a tight balance of the two and continuously strengthen our efforts to grow in both aspects of our lives.

Love and Marriage





Typically I avoid politics and religion in my blogs but today may is a bit different. I live in North Carolina and recently we made headlines regarding the passing of the amendment that bans gay marriage. I would like to start off by saying I am a heterosexual female so this doesn’t directly effect me but I do  feel as that if people are truly in love with one another they should be able to get married.  No matter race, religion, or sexual orientation they are all people deserve the chance to spend receive the same opportunities.  People always want to claim the whole religion thing as a defense but last I checked God doesn’t judge, so what makes this situation any different? Don’t get me wrong, I feel everyone is entitled to their opinion, I just believe in equality a little more. There are women who want  a wife and children and men who want a husband and children. Years back we fought hard for equal rights of African Americans and women, what makes this any different? This should be an interesting year for America. I am encouraging you to VOTE in this years election! Stand up for what you believe in!