Category Archives: Children

Crazy Kids


It is no secret amongst my friends and family, that kids and I have a love/hate relationship.

For the longest time, I could not stand children. Being around them didn’t interest me one bit. Literally the only kid I really liked was my niece. I think being around her set the bar of how I feel like a lot of kids should act, smart and respectful.

Well maybe with maturity and understanding, I have softened up tremendously. I’m still not convinced if motherhood is in my future, kids are not that bad. The older I get the more I people I know and love are having children. Seeing the love my friends have for their children is awesome. I think  personally for me experiencing being an aunt amongst family as well as friends, has changed the way I look at children. Think about it. Being an influence in a child’s life is rewarding. You are helping them learn new things, experience a new perspective of life, and visit new places. You get to see them grow from a baby who just sleeps, cries, and poops, to a person with their own personality. It can be pretty entertaining at times. Kids are cute, they are smart and they are funny.

I respect parents. I know your job isn’t easy. All that I ask is that parents teach their children to love, be respectful, and never give up on their dreams.

Sweet faces I love…


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Lily Pad LaPrad


Last year one of my dear friends, Lauren, became the first time mother of a beautiful baby girl.


On August 28, 2012, Lauren and her boyfriend, John, welcomed their precious little 6lb., 12oz.  daughter, Lillian Marie.

It seems like just yesterday she was born, when in actuality yesterday we all joined to celebrate her 1st birthday!


Being named, Lillian LaPrad, she inherited the fitting nickname– Lily Pad LaPrad. Her 1st birthday party was themed around lily pads which was perfectly unique. From the food to the decor, the party was perfect!



All dolled up in pig tails and her party dress, Lillian welcomed her guests just like any 1 year old would–crawling, semi-walking and talking, and smiling from ear to ear.


Although some may argue if a 1 year old even understands the concept of their 1st birthday, there is no doubt Lillian knew it was all about her. She crawled from guest to guest, climbing up on their laps for a moment then moving along to the next until it was time for presents and cake. She is such a social butterfly–just like her mom!


She opened her gifts ranging from clothes, to shoes, to toys and touched and looked at each one for a few seconds–as any curious one year old would.


We gathered together at the end, singing to the birthday girl. Of course, being the diva she is, loved the attention.  After her parents helped her blow out her first birthday candle she devoured her yummy cake! What kid doesn’t like sugar, right?!


Yesterday was perfect in every way! I feel honored that I was able to celebrate with so many others as this sweet little girl turned 1. Each time I see her, it seems as if her personality is becoming more of her own. I can not wait to continue to watch her grow and change as the years go by. But before anything I have to get her to say Avyn!
