I’m a Tar Heel Born and a Tar Heel Bread


The University of North Carolina is located in Chapel Hill. Duke University is located in Durham. The two universities are located around 10 miles away from each other.

ImageLiving in North Carolina, you have two options…be a North Carolina Tar Heel or a Duke basketball fan. Me personally, I am a UNC fan. My mother attend the university and I remember as a child our family constantly watching the games. My brother went to the same high school as Michael Jordan–a basketball legend who attended The University of North Carolina. My father, brother, cousin and I went to the 2009 tournament and saw Danny Green and Tyler Hansbrough play. It was a lot of fun. I enjoy a good basketball game.


Being a Tar Heel fan, today I am especially excited for tonight. It’s the Carolina-Duke mens basketball game.  Usually I entertain or go out to watch the game but tonight there is a winter storm so I am having a low key night. I plan to cook some homemade french fries  (CLICK HERE FOR THE RECIPE http://www.browneyedbaker.com/2011/07/26/easy-homemade-french-fries/) and hamburgers while I watch the game tonight.


About avynkaren

Hello world! Welcome to my blog! My name is Avyn and I have created this blog to inspire others. Writing is therapeutic and I am using this blog as my therapy. I yearn to be a famous writer one day, not necessarily a reporter or an author, just simply be known as a writer. I enjoy life and everyone in it. Some call me crazy but hey, you have one life to live have fun! Enjoy my blog!!

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